Show Gardens / Hermès - New Bond Street
SPL was invited to create a temporary garden for Hermès London Bond Street during the summer 2022. Far removed from the bustle of Regent Street, the garden was designed as a peaceful retreat that brought life to the empty courtyard of the former Time and Life Building. Built in the 1950s by Michael Rosenauer, it was a privilege to introduce plantings up close to the stark brutalism of the grade 11* listed architecture and the iconic sculpture Draped Reclining Figure by Henry Moore.
Responding to the brief of ‘Hermès, A Human Odyssey’, the silvery, drought-tolerant plantings were evocative of Mediterranean regions. Aromatic myrtles, lavender, Nepeta curviflora and unusual Salvia’s (S ‘African Sky’, S. argentea, S. sclarea ‘Vatican White’) formed a softly undulating matrix that contrasted with architectural perennials: Echium pininana ‘White Tower’, a rare, pure white version of the purple tree Echium, and the spiny, silver-grey leaf rosettes of Puya coerulea.
Image © Mark Cocksedge
Many other borderline-hardy plants were included; scented herbs such as spearmint Aloysia citriodora ‘Spilsbury Mint’, Aloes, Aloimpelos (Aloe) striatula, Dasylirion wheeleri and Acca selloviana. Delicate grasses – quaking Briza, feathery Hordeum jubatum. and cushions of Festuca gaultieri ‘Teddybear’ contrasted with sprawling sub shrubs, Dorycnium hirsutum, with hairy grey foliage and pretty Cistus x argenteus ‘Silver Pink’.
Bright, tonal greys of Elaeagnus ‘Quick Silver’ and Ozothamnus rosmarinus ‘Silver Jubilee’ formed a foil for exquisite, jewel-like flowers. Particularly special were the slender, tubular tangerine-red blooms of Hesperaloe parviflora, an evergreen perennial with thin, silver arching leaves. Romneya coulteri, also known as the Californian tree poppy caused a sensation with its fat buds opening daily to reveal white, crumpled, paper-like blooms.
Olea europaea and Afghani fig trees, were important in drawing the immense surroundings down to an intimate scale. SPL designed bespoke, steel tables and stools which were nestled informally amongst the planting, welcoming visitors to linger.
All the plants and materials were donated to The Exchange – a community-run organisation that uses the Old Library in Erith, south-east London as a hub for workshops and local projects.